Jenna Hardy

Event Production Assistant

Jenna is an Event Planner for the Be Perfect Foundation. Through her love for public speaking, she has also been honored to help take on the role of “co-host” for the foundation’s fundraising gala each year.

Jenna first got involved with the event planning committee for the Be Perfect Foundation because of her job as a “Paralysis Specialist” at The Perfect Step Paralysis Center where many of her clients are supported by the foundation. Long before Jenna was a Paralysis Specialist, she gained experience as an event planner in Downtown San Diego where she would help coordinate events of all different shapes and sizes. A few years later, she was presented with the opportunity to work as Pitzer College’s event coordinator for their Advancement Office and help host small events for the college to raise money for student scholarships.

Eventually, this led Jenna to volunteer her experiences with event coordinating to raise money for a cause with multiple foundations, eventually landing with a permanent volunteer spot with the Be Perfect Foundation. Jenna has started other small fundraising opportunities within the foundation by creating a donation-based yoga classes once a month where 100% of the proceeds go to the foundation. 

Jenna just graduated with her master’s degree in Clinical Psychology; Marriage and Family Therapy and is currently starting mental health support services for family, friends and individuals living with paralysis.