Toni Frazer

Director of Auction Committee/Event Coordinator/ Scholarship Committee

Toni has been a part of The Be Perfect Foundation since its inception in 2007. Toni and her husband, Doug, spent countless days in the hospital alongside Hal Jr and his family. Toni was ultimately one of the influencing factors in why the Hargrave family felt so comfortable moving forward and starting a foundation because of her background and knowledge in the non-profit field and her philanthropic nature.

Toni is also a board member of the Matt Leinart Foundation and has propelled the Matt Leinart Foundation to extraordinary heights because of her vision and her ability to reach out to the local community and coordinate events.

As you can see, Toni has a heart that wants to reach individuals who are in need. She somehow finds a way to keep the philanthropic component of life at the forefront of her to-do list even while being an active part of her and her husband’s family business, Enviroguard.

Daily, Toni plays an active role with Be Perfect by reaching out to the local community to try and find donors, community partners, and opportunities for new fundraising events for the foundation. Additionally, she is one of the key components for the foundation’s annual fundraiser as she wears many hats, namely coordinating the vast silent auction.