Chris Seibel
Name: Chris Seibel
Date of injury: 11-28-2009
Level of injury: Spinal cord injury lumbar 1st Vertebrae
Brief description of how you are injured: Sandbuggy accident in Dumont Sand Dunes.
What type of assistance has Be Perfect foundation provided for you and how has that helped regain an independent and active lifestyle? B.P. has provided weekly (exercise base therapy) which has helped me continue to regain what i lost after my accident. Exercise is medicine, which gives me the wonderful life of independence.
How has Be Perfect re-instilled hope back into your life again? By showing and supporting my confidence in myself to live a normal life again. Also, B.P. has given me the courage to share my story and encourage others that life continues.
How has The Perfect Step (TPS) helped you? TPS has given me a place to feel encouraged, comfortable and equipment to allow me to exercise tuned for S.C.I. victims.
What are some goals that you have set for yourself that you are proud to say that you have attained? 1st was getting myself off forearm crutches to a cane. 2nd was going from a cane to no cane! 3rd was to ride my mountain bike to TPS from my house and back!
What are some future goals that you would like to attain that Be Perfect can help you achieve? Building a fit body again & enabling me to ride further distances & rougher terrain on my mountain bike. Being more able to play out door sports with my son like a normal father would.
What was life like prior to your accident and what were some of the fun activities that you enjoyed doing? Prior too life was good and exciting. I love doing these activities wake boarding, snow boarding, sky diving, bungee jumping. Driving a stick shift.
How has your accident changed your mindset? Truly it has humbled me and to enjoy every moment with my 11 yr. old son Gino. Most of all it has help me build my relationship deeper & stronger with Jesus Christ my lord and savior! Also, to appreciate the little things life has to offer. Look past all the worldly noise and enjoy what god has created. Making me realize that i like us all have a purpose on earth!
Anything else that you would like to tell the donors or a simple thank you that you would like to give them? I would like to speak for all us clients but here’s my sincere appreciation personally that without all your support and contributions we would not have this wonderful facility and program. You all are a huge blessing to us who struggle daily with the simplest of things that the world doesn’t know or see. You the donors are changing lives in a huge and powerful way and god see ‘s how you continue to give us something for yourselves & families to others that you may not even know. I thank you all with my heart! Peace be with you!