Hailey Scott

Auction Coordinator/Community Relations

Hailey Scott is one of the two younger sisters of Hal Hargrave Jr., the founder of the Be Perfect Foundation (BP). Since 2007, she has had a front-row seat to her brother's journey with paralysis and has been involved with BP since its inception. In past years, while living in Oregon for college from 2015 to 2019, she assisted with Be Perfect fundraising events from afar and by floating between various committees. Since they've begun planning Be Perfect 9.0, she has been in communication with BP scholarship recipients and paralysis patients from The Perfect Step (TPS), gathering their paralysis stories for event visuals and the direct client donations page.

To Hailey, the Be Perfect Foundation strives to restore hope among individuals living with paralysis, their families, and their support systems. BP does this by staying true to its 99% promise and providing direct financial, social, and emotional support.

What she loves about BP is that it offers the opportunity for individuals living with paralysis to be part of a community, decreasing the isolation paralysis patients may experience in their recovery. Through their partnership with The Perfect Step Paralysis Recovery Center, people with paralysis are invited to gain independence through exercise-based therapy. Additionally, paralysis patients are welcomed into a positive and safe atmosphere that is one of a kind.

“As a BP supporter and donor, you experience how BP and TPS impact the lives of paralysis patients, said Hailey.” A story that has left a positive influence on her is that of Emma Vargas, a Perfect Step Client and Be Perfect Scholarship Recipient. Emma is a four-year-old girl who became paralyzed in 2020 after falling down the stairs. TPS encourages and teaches paralyzed patients how to live a life outside of their chairs. Emma does just that. When not at therapy, Emma lives out her childhood to the fullest by going to the beach and playing in the sand, sledding in the snow, visiting amusement parks, swimming, playing with her cousins, riding around in her mini pink Mercedes car, and spending time at the park. Emma is strong, motivated, adventurous, sweet, and kind. Like all paralysis patients, she is one of a kind. Emma inspires her and others to embrace their challenges. She hopes Emma's paralysis journey will inspire others too. You can see more of Emma's story at the "Stories" tab on the BP website.

As a BP volunteer, putting time and effort towards BP has added great value to her life. Seeing how the support from BP and TPS elicits hope and motivation in some of the darkest seasons of one's paralysis journey is her "why."

“If you are someone who wants to be a part of a passionate group of people, now is your time to become involved with the BP team. If you are unable to volunteer, you can become a BP supporter by donating via their website or during their annual scholarship gala. The Be Perfect Foundation has various opportunities to be involved, and they hope you take the perfect step towards continuing to impact the lives of those living with paralysis.”