Jon Keimach

Be Perfect has re-instilled hope back into my life again by helping me with funding to go to The Perfect Step to get outpatient therapy. This is put my body into much better condition. For years I was getting tighter and more spastic and this type of therapy is the most relief I can get other than medication.
— Jon Keimach

1. Name: Jon Keimach Jr.

2. Date of Injury: August 1st, 2001

3. Level of Injury: C5/C6


4.  Brief description of how you are injured:

I broke my neck after losing control of my motorcycle (dirt bike) and crashing into a tree in Lake Arrowhead, CA, at the age of 14.

5. What type of assistance has Be Perfect provided for you, and how has that helped you regain an independent and active lifestyle?

Be Perfect has provided me financial assistance towards physical therapy and a new wheelchair. This has helped me regain an independent and active lifestyle by giving me access to this type of therapy and giving me more independence with a custom wheelchair that I can push.

Make a Donation

6.  How has Be Perfect re-instilled hope back into your life again?

Be Perfect has re-instilled hope back into my life again by helping me with funding to go to The Perfect Step to get outpatient therapy. This has put my body into much better condition. For years I was getting tighter and more spastic and this type of therapy is the most relief I can get other than medication.

7.  How has The Perfect Step helped you (if applicable)?

The Perfect Step helped me gain confidence and independence by helping me push towards and obtain my goals. Nowhere else can I get the best trained specialists, top of the line equipment, and a great community of support.


8. What are some goals that you have set for yourself, that you are proud to say that you have attained?

Some goals I have attained that I am proud of are losing about 25 lbs and getting strong enough to push my new manual wheelchair everyday and put away my power wheelchair. Every session I leave with immediate relief from tone/spasms.


9.  What are some future goals that you would like to attain, that Be Perfect can help you achieve?

Some goals that I would like to attain are less tone/spasms, straightening my spine curvature/hunch, and improve on my abilities/strength.

10.  Anything else that you would like to tell the donors or a simple thank you that you would like to give them?

Thank you very much for your help it really means a lot to me!
