Meet our Board Member Ashton Wray

Ashton Wray: Living the mantras of hard work and dedication in her own way.


What does hard work and dedication mean to you?  Like anything in life, it holds a different value to all.  A hardworking mentality for some is acquired and for others is inherent. Dedication for that matter is one of those things that burns inside each of us to be committed to our situations, diligent about refining our craft, and a continued willingness to learn about the things that we love. Dedication is an internal standard that disallows people to let go or give up.  The only choice is to be the best that they can be.  There is a loving, giving, passionate, strong-willed, and independent individual, who volunteers her time as a Board Member of Be Perfect, that pursues these life mantras every day.  What’s more, is her philanthropic approach to serve others, in the midst of her own life, is where her life truly begins.

Some 33 years ago Ashton Horowitz (now Ashton Wray) life changed dramatically.  The truth in this is that Ashton was not even alive yet.  How can something change an individual’s life who was not even alive yet?  Some may argue that we are a product of our upbringing. An upbringing, to some, is via a mother and father, to grandparents, and to guardians. For Ashton, she was a product of a loving mother and father, strong in their Jewish faith and love for Angels baseball. Those who mentor and steward us through childhood, teach us valuable life lessons based off of personal and past experiences. The life lessons that Ashton was taught throughout her life were rooted in a perspective that was unique, simply because the developed values and beliefs, came after a life-changing injury.  This life-changing injury happened to Ashton’s father, Randy. 33 years ago, Randy suffered a spinal cord injury, which would not only change his physical state but his mental and emotional state forever.  Randy’s reaction and ability to deal with the injury himself, was not all that changed Ashton, namely it was Candis, her mother’s, willingness and dedication to stick by Randy’s side in the midst of the struggles. In doing so, it created many life lessons that ultimately were passed off to their children. That is why Ashton’s life was forever changed before she was even alive. 

Today, Ashton’s father, Randy, would tell you that none of these great blessings, that he is attained in life, could’ve been done without his caring wife, Candis “Candy.” Two of the many blessings, that came to both Randy and Candy, were in the form of their two loving children, Taylor and Ashton.


Ashton was born on April 6, 1991, to the loving arms of Randy and Candy Horowitz.  Ashton’s childhood values were rooted in family, friends, faith, education, sports, and lending a hand where ever needed. Ashton grew up dancing and playing softball, but ended up sticking with her passion for playing soccer even into her young adult years. She played soccer for 18 years but ultimately decided to focus on school after her freshman year of college. “I definitely regret not playing all the way through college, but I knew to focus on my tough major was the right thing to do,” said Ashton. 

There was a fundamental understanding of living within your means, preparing for the future, and giving to others within the Horowitz household. From life experiences to injuries and diagnosis, to trials and tribulations, these were mantras that they were not willing to compromise on with their children. Both Randy and Candy, even today, continue to live their lives in a fashion where they put family, friends, charities, and even strangers most often before themselves. Oftentimes, this came not only at the expense of being selfless but also with hard work. Hard work was something that both Randy and Candy were familiar with, after dealing with a life-changing diagnosis, years prior.

The Jewish faith was unquestionably the cornerstone of guidance, direction, and a blueprint to living on mission in the Horowitz household. “Growing up, my brother and I had to do chores around the house, thus learning our finances and giving through earning our allowance,” said Ashton. “But, part of our allowance always went to Tzedakah, which is a Jewish term for doing what is right and generally relates to giving to others in some form.” Ashton’s parents made it a fun learning lesson, allowing the two kids to choose where to donate their money and how they would help others in need. Ashton’s philanthropic outreach started at a young age with her involvement with the National Charity League. National Charity League is an organization for high school women who do philanthropic work in their local communities.  This set the stage for Ashton’s philanthropic endeavors later in life when she joined the team of Board Members of The Be Perfect Foundation.


Instilling life mantras into children and getting receptive feedback, many times, is in due part to a tight relationship between children and their parents. And that is true for the Horowitz family. Ashton continues to talk to her parents every day, as two individuals that she looks up to.  “My dad is a role model when it comes to responsibility, career path orientation, life decisions, a loving nature, finances, dedication, and compassion,” Ashton said. “My mom is a wonderful role model when it comes to hard work, lending a hand, doing what is right, creativity, family orientation, socialization with friends, and passion.”


Ashton grew up three years younger than her brother, Taylor, yet she always wanted in on the games with his friends. She had plenty of chances to join in on fun and games with Taylor in their later years when they both attended the University of Colorado, Boulder, together, where their sibling bond turned into the best friendship.

At the age of six, Ashton met an individual that would change her life forever. As previously stated, Ashton had a thing about wanting to always be a part of her brother’s games and endeavors with his friends. Ashton ended up the meeting, Matt Wray, one of Taylor’s friends on his little league baseball team. The Horowitz and the Wray families united as best friends throughout the years, raising their kids together with frequent barbecues, pool parties, pizza dinners, holidays together, and making memories that would last a lifetime. This unique bond had Ashton very fond of Matt, even at a young age. Ashton would frequently write about Matt in her diary.  However, she felt as if she was not noticed by him in that light, being four years younger than him. Many years later, towards the end of high school, that all changed at Matt’s mom’s birthday party. There they finally had deep conversations. Ashton was ecstatic when leaving the party when Matt took down her number. It led to the best friendship, 10 years of dating, and marriage in September of 2017.  Today, they are expecting their first child together in August of 2020.


Ashton and Matt are incredibly excited about their next life journey, with their first child, a girl, due on August 13. “We feel extremely blessed to have been able to get pregnant and take on this journey together,” and Ashton. “We can’t wait to meet her and start this next chapter of life as a family.” The ultimate thrill for both Ashton and Matt is to give a grandchild to their loving parents, the first granddaughter for Randy and Candy. Ashton is excited about motherhood, as somebody who grew up babysitting and nannying for family friends. “I know it will be completely different, but I feel more prepared than most,” said Ashton. “Sorry, but we are keeping her name a secret until birth.” Matt and Ashton had joked about the thought of their child hopefully getting Ashton’s hair, dedication, and compassion, with Matt’s brains, athleticism, and patience.  Regardless, they are thankful at the opportunity to bring a child in this world, a healthy one at that.


In the midst of anticipation of what lies ahead for Ashton, she would tell you that you cannot write her story of life without including The Claremont Club and The Perfect Step. Ashton began working at The Perfect Step, as an employee of The Claremont Club, in March of 2014. The Perfect Step, being a paralysis recovery center, had Ashton intrigued from the get-go. Her prior exposure to living with a father who had suffered from paralysis for many years, and her background in “Integrative Physiology,” was enough for her to inquire about job openings at The Perfect Step. “I had just recently graduated and moved home from Colorado and was looking to kickstart my career after I was a bit lost and not exactly sure what I wanted to do after the two internships that I did in college,” said Ashton. “My dad had told me about The Perfect Step at The Claremont Club, and it sounded along the lines of something I would enjoy doing. I ended up applying and receiving the job as an Assistant. I am so happy that it all worked out the way it did.”

During her time working at The Perfect Step, Ashton became exposed to one of The Perfect Step’s community partners, The Be Perfect Foundation.  Ashton has an affection for the paralysis community in a way where she intends to provide help and confidence to those in need, thus sparking her interest in being a part of The Be Perfect Foundation’s Board.  “I’ve always had an intent in life to lend a helping hand and grew up with a philanthropic heart through my Jewish faith and being a part of National Charity League,” said Ashton. “So, joining Be Perfect was great because my deep feelings for those in the paralysis community jumped out as an obvious opportunity for me to join people who are like-minded.”


Ashton then stepped into a role on the Be Perfect Event Planning Committee, that plans the foundation’s annual fundraiser, more specifically the onstage program that is delivered to the audience.  “I love being able to use my creative mind and relations with the paralysis community to make the night’s event as good as it can possibly be,” said Ashton.

Now, in 2020, Ashton has maneuvered her way up the corporate ladder of The Perfect Step, through hard work and dedication. Ashton is now a Certified Paralysis Recovery Specialist, who works hands-on with the clients, rather than what she did previously of assisting the Specialists. Ashton’s credentials and hands-on educational background have earned her a position as a Lead Educator (one who oversees the rest of the staff and is also qualified to educate newly hired Specialists and Assistants). Thus, making her one of the most qualified individuals in the entire paralysis recovery field. “Working at The Perfect Step has really opened my eyes to my dad’s injury, thus allowing me to sympathize with him more,” said Ashton.

Her parent’s hard work and dedication to others have rubbed off on herself, as Ashton feels a continued sense of accomplishment every hour of every day when working with clients. Ashton is a conduit to her clients reaching their goals and being a focal point of her client’s finding the inspiration to continue to move forward. To Ashton, it is a continued reminder of doing what she was meant to do. “I love how this job is different every day and truly challenges me as a trainer, educator, and individual,” said Ashton.


Ashton has fully bought into an additional mantra in her life in the form of what it means to “Be Perfect.” “I love the mantra of Be Perfect, as I was born into a loving sports family that taught me many incredible and relatable life lessons that I’ve taken into my relationships and experiences,” Ashton said.  “With Be Perfect’s mantra being based on a sports movie and having a sense of internal competitiveness to get the most out of yourself, I immediately felt at home with the foundation’s mission.” Ashton believes that if you give your full effort and give everything your all, and always support others, then you are living up to those perfect standards of what you are capable of.


Ashton has a firm belief in balance in her life, namely with her personal life, professional life, and philanthropic life and is not willing to compromise falling short on any of those initiatives with a lack of dedication or hard work.  Ashton has aspirations to continue to grow as a Specialist at The Perfect Step. She has career goals of being involved with The Claremont Club for many years to come and namely with The Perfect Step at a corporate level to help implement facilities across the country.  Ashton would love to help provide knowledge and education to new staff members who enter into The Perfect Step’s network. Additionally, Ashton has no plans to step away from her role with Be Perfect anytime soon. “I hope to be a crucial part of BP for a long time and continue to make a difference in the paralysis community even in ways outside of my one-on-one training with the population,” Ashton said.  “I hope that BP is the leading foundation that sets the mark for other foundations to take away these financial hardships that injuries and diagnosis’ cause to families.” Ashton intends to continue to live the mantra of BP not just as a committee member, but namely in her own life as a contributing member to society.


As stated, Ashton also has a balance that begins with a dedication to her family as well. Thus, Ashton also aspires to continue to grow personally and continue to achieve other life goals during her dedicated pursuit of “Tzedakah,” and giving to others. “I’m excited about the opportunity to continue to grow as a woman, wife, Specialist, mom, daughter, and friend,” said Ashton. “I believe that we can all be confident and happy with who we are, but there is always room for growth.”

 Ashton has a personal belief that she personally gets more out of her philanthropic work with BP than what she even gives to others through it. “I don’t mean that I won’t ever give less than I should, I mean that this is how inspirational and impactful Be Perfect is in my life,” Ashton said.  “The small amount of work that I do to help others, ends up helping me in my life tenfold. It has continued to help me grow as a Specialist at TPS, a wife at home, a daughter to my parents, and soon to be a mother to my daughter.”


Ashton continues to have a traveling itch, that has remained since her childhood and young adult years.  She would love to continue to travel the world, with her husband Matt, and continue to see places that they have never seen. Part of these aspirations is to visit every Major League Baseball park in the U.S.

While Ashton Wray is most certainly an admirable daughter, wife, friend, Paralysis Recovery Specialist, Board Member, and soon to be mother, she is namely a model of how we can all live life in a manner where we serve others first. Both her mother and father instilled this mantra, and her work has reminded her of it by serving others every day. Where will Ashton’s road lead next, in the midst of expecting a baby with her husband? A couple of things are for certain. The road will include hard work, dedication, and a mantra of “Tzedakah.” We can all be certain that these ways of living will also get passed down to Ashton’s future daughter and anyone she has the chance to mentor herself.


We, the Corporate Staff and Board Members of The Be Perfect Foundation feel incredibly blessed to have Ashton a part of our team. We feel that we are the benefactors in this relationship. Thank you, Ashton, for all that you continue to do for us and for others.

-          Written by: Hal Hargrave

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