In an attempt to be much less boring to people and much less redundant one of my New Year’s resolutions for 2013 is to be much less long-winded and more to the point with the things that I’m trying to get across. I am going to try and do that now as I recap and reminisce upon what a great year 2012 was and what great things we have in store for 2013 both personally, as a family and namely as a foundation with helping more people. 2012 was an unbelievable year for not just my family and myself but for the foundation as well. The foundation has and is continuing to receive the national recognition that it deserves as we are continuing to get on a national scale with trying to find donors to see the foundation is a fit of where their dollars are wanting to go to help other people. At the conclusion of 2011, we ended it with a bang with our Fourth Annual event where we raised $425,000 to help other people in the years to come. As many of you know those dollars only go so far, and what the rearranging of when our Fifth Annual event would be, some 18 months later we certainly as a foundation had to be accountable to our donors and make the money stretch out for those 18 months to get us through till the next event. With the Fifth Annual event approaching rapidly here on May 11, 2013 the foundation and its committee members are excited for what we think will be another great night, where we all break out our boots and enjoy a country themed and inspiring night again at the Hafif Estate. The committee and the foundation is working hard in preparation for the upcoming event to make it at night that we will all never forget and to try and top our last event which is becoming hard to do year-to-year. We have a lot of great ideas and hope to blow the boots off your feet with an inspiring night where we will try and change other people’s lives once again.  2012 marks the culmination of the five year mark since my accident. It simply astounding and amazing for me to think about not just how far I’ve come in those five years, but surely the row that I have traveled, the people I’ve met, the lives that have been changed and most importantly all the people that the foundation has been able to help in those five years. As I look ahead to 2013 and the next five years I can’t help but think how big the foundation will become and the amount people that we will be of the help here in the near future. A lot of my dreams have become a reality in 2012 was no different as I was able to be blessed with many of those dreams to come true. Some of you might’ve heard by now that the foundation and my family is proud to present and announce that another dreams is coming true that we have tried to make happen for quite some time. Some of you may remember back at the Third Annual event when my family presented a donation in order to start a new facility to expand upon the one that we have at the Claremont Club and help more people. The truth of the matter is we are outgrowing our facility at the club and were looking for different avenues to expand upon our existing facility and make it a place where more spinal cord injuries can come and really get a bang for their buck, as we expand upon our level of training as well. Project Walk has been a rehab facility that I have been attending for the past five years down in Carlsbad. They have done many great things for me as far as my recovery goes in getting back on my two feet again and I have seen so many miracles happen for many different people over the course the past five years in that facility. My dream has been wanting to bring that modality of training up to the Inland Empire and service people with spinal cord injuries up in this area under the same curriculum. My family is proud to announce that the Claremont Club will be the site of the first ever Project Walk Franchise and will be named Project Walk Claremont. This facility is set to open here in a few weeks in the first part of February. Our new facility and its renovations are almost complete as we will be operating under a room that is more than five times the size of what we have right now. We feel as if this will truly be able to help and extend our modality of training, level of training, creativity and our dynamic ability to help others with spinal cord injuries above and beyond what we are already doing at the club. We will have in our facility one of just a few gait training devices and treadmills in the United States. This type of modality could be the difference of somebody walking and a walker to walking unassisted for the rest their life, or even somebody who’s in a chair and has a little bit of movement in their legs to getting up out of their chair and walking. The sky’s the limit and we know what this new facility we will have the opportunity to make people’s dreams a reality. There will be more announcements in the weeks to come with the grand opening coming soon. The operational part of the gym will begin in early February, where we will occupy the facility and be working day-to-day out of it. On May 18, 2013 we will have our grand opening that will be open to the public and all of you to come check out the new facility and a lot of the great things that we are doing to help others. There are so many great things to come in 2013 and as a foundation we are really trying to extend our services and ensure that we will be around forever. In an attempt to do so I have dreams of being able to set up an endowment fund where we can set up an account that ensures that this foundation will be around forever. I hope that this year will bring us a step closer to doing so and I can’t begin to tell you how much all of your support affects what I do on a day-to-day basis and how it keeps me going and gets me up out of bed. You all mean the world to me and I mean that from the bottom of my heart without you guys this all isn’t possible. Please keep checking back for more updates and until then I hope you all have a great 2013 and please continue to spread the word about The Be Perfect Foundation as we try to get this nationwide and remind people of all the great things they can do to help others. I love you guys... Be perfect

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