Anne von Rosen

My name is Anne von Rosen and I suffered a T4-5 spinal cord injury in a horse-riding accident on March 11, 2014.

I used to be a jockey. And on said day, the horse I was riding suddenly collapsed after the race and fell on top of me, crushing my 5th thoracic vertebrae. (the horse was fine and got back up)

I underwent emergency surgery the same day as I was leaking spinal fluid. They also put a cage in at T5. Two days later I underwent a second surgery that stabilized my spine from T3- T8.

The Be Perfect Foundation has given me a scholarship that allowed me to visit The Perfect Step for a one-month intensive stay. I was able to have therapy every day. Having someone work with my body consistently over an extended period of time is of great benefit and I could really feel my body adapting to it and changing positively as time went on.

My legs responded really well to the active nervous system recruitment. I was getting some great leg pushes and extensions on the table.

I also gained more trunk and hip stability, which is helping me with my standing balance and also my gait.

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I learned what kind of exercises I can do on a daily basis at home to help my posture and loosen tight muscles. And I feel more confident standing with my braces at home and even walking some.

The Be Perfect Foundation has re-instilled hope back into my life by making it possible for me to get therapy at The Perfect Step. It was a great relief (along with a lot of excitement) when I was notified that I had received a scholarship. I was able to witness what you can achieve when you are able to get the right kind of therapy on a regular basis and are consistent with it.

One of the goals that I had set for myself was to ride again. And I am now doing that again on a regular basis. It is very different, but I love feeling the horse move underneath me. It’s a sense of freedom and lets me forget about my disability for a while.

I am also able to take a few steps with AFO’s and a walker.

My future goals are to be able to stand independently and walk better, so I can at least walk around the house some. I know I will be able to achieve these goals with the therapy I am getting and being consistent with it.

A huge thank you to all of you who have donated to the Be Perfect Foundation! Without your generosity, I would not have been able to get therapy at The Perfect Step and see such great progress. It has given me hope and the motivation to keep working hard on my recovery. I cannot thank you enough.

A huge thank you also to all of the Specialists who have worked with me during my time at TPS! They did an exceptional job in communicating with each other on what my goals are and what exercises my body is responding well to. And also in trying to learn my body as quickly as possible, so I can get the most out of my stay here.
