John Morris


My name is John Morris and I suffered a T10 spinal cord injury on July 7, 2012, after I fell off my balcony.

I went to sit on my balcony railing around 8:00 am to read the paper and sat too far back on it and lost my balance and fell over. The fall was 3 stories up and landed on my back-breaking my T-10 vertebrae.  

Be Perfect has helped me in paying for some of my therapy, which helps me to continue improving my independent lifestyle.

Be Perfect re-instilled hope back into my life by just being there to help. There has been plenty of times when people have said no we can’t help you. Be Perfect are the people that want to help and it’s nice to know that there are people like that still out there.

Working out of The Perfect Step has helped me lose weight which helps me move around easier as well as make me stronger to make my independent life easier. The atmosphere here is just like a close family which helps me out mentally because you don’t feel like an outsider. I love coming here!

I have achieved several goals. A weight loss goal to be under 200lbs. (at 193lbs. now). To be able to bench press 200lbs. I can do 210lbs. Just to get my cardio better, which it has.

In the future, I would just like to keep improving all around. Additionally, I would like to be able to lock my knee out to start the walking process.

I would like to say, thank you to anyone that donates because you are helping to change a person’s life around and lifting their spirits back up which is an incredible thing.

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