Ashley Hutton

My name is Ashley Hutton and on March 3, 1996, I suffered a spinal cord injury in an automobile accident. The accident was due to bad weather conditions in my hometown of Buffalo, NY at the age of 5. Due to the doctor's negligence, they did not check my spinal cord for swelling resulting in my current injury. Growing up in my hometown, there were limited resources available to me in regards to rehabilitation and physical activity. While I did not let this hinder my ability to be involved in my school and community, it wasn't until I decided to go away to college in Arizona that I realized the incredible opportunities for me to gain my independence.

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David Dodero

My name is David Dodero. In October 2014, at the age of 62, my life took a drastic turn. I experienced a serious case of food poisoning while on a business trip to Spain. Unlike normal food poisoning, however, the symptoms of my illness didn’t follow the regular progression. My illness began with gastric distress. It soon developed into something much worse. Upon returning from Spain I got up to get ready for the office and collapsed. I regained consciousness and stood up. I slowly walked down the stairs to go to the ER. Little did I know that it would be the last time that I would walk down the stairs in over five years.

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Ali Gray

My name is Ali Gray and I sustained a T4 spinal cord injury in a motocross accident on February 23 of 2019. February 23, 2019 was a cool but sunny Saturday when I drove to the Perris Motocross Track. Little did my 42-year-old self realize that on this day my life would take a sudden turn and that I would be placed into the toughest contest of my life.

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Natalie Fung

My name is Natalie Fung and I sustained a C-5 spinal cord injury when I was hit by a drunk driver in the back of a cab in Las Vegas. The Be Perfect Foundation granted me a scholarship for me to work out at The Perfect Step. I've gained a lot of strength since I started working out at The Perfect Step. I have met so many friends through Be Perfect and The Perfect Step. Seeing others with similar injuries to mine gives me hope that I can one day be as strong and independent as them.

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Mindi Hansen

My name is Mindi Hansen. On November 14th, 2018, I was on my way to work at one of my jobs, driving with no seatbelt in my lifted blue with flames ford F-150 truck; when my whole life changed with the roll of my truck.  I still don't remember it but apparently I lost control of the truck for a reason only God knows, for now, witnesses say that I overcorrected and crossed the road at which time I hit the upward embankment, then my truck rolled back into the road. It only rolled once and landed on all four, but I flew out of it and landed under it. 

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Erika Franco

My name is Erika Franco. I was injured on November 1st, 2018. I was stabbed in my sleep. My level of injury is T6&7. Be Perfect has helped me find a new vision for therapy. It has challenged me to push my independence and regain more confidence. The Be Perfect Foundation re-instilled my hope in being able to live an independent life in the future.

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Hal Hargrave Jr

Hal woke up early on July 26th, 2007 to drive a load of remodel supplies in a semi-truck to crews working in Las Vegas, NV. As he passed the Barstow area on I-15, he noticed an object on the road in the distance. As he got closer, he could tell that it was a large piece of tire tread in his path. Hal veered to the right shoulder to avoid it but lost control of the truck while correcting to come back on to the road.

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Jennifer Bou Lahoud

Before the day that changed my life, I attended St. Lucy’s Priory High School and played basketball for the city of San Dimas. Basketball was everything to me. I loved the feeling of the ball in my hand, dribbling it at my control, and hearing the sound of the net whishing when it made it in. But it all changed in a single moment.

I was denied to return to St. Lucy’s because of my disability but I did not give up on my education. I finished off my junior year by home schooling and then enrolled at San Dimas High School for my senior year. I was able to maintain a 4.0 GPA and continue my physical therapy.

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Steve Campbell

I am very grateful for my scholarship from the Be Perfect Foundation. Without it I could not afford to workout with a trainer at The Perfect Step (TPS). Over the years with TPS I have developed my upper body and core strength, so I could get out of my power chair and into a manual wheelchair. My wife has a neuromuscular disease, so she is limited with how much she can move and assist me. With my membership to TPS she is able to go into The Claremont Club to workout to stay in the best shape that she can and slow down the impairment that she has. As I get stronger I become more independent and I don’t need to ask her for as much assistance for everyday tasks.

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Jason Smoot

Jason's story is familiar. It has all of the elements common to the stories of the people we help. He had lived decades of life with a fully functioning body. Then, in an instant, in the middle of a normal activity – something familiar, something routine – everything changed.

Jason was enjoying time at the pool. He decided it was time to get back in, and took a dive. His body collided with the concrete, resulting in a C-4/ C-5 spinal cord injury.

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John Surina

John started working at Coca-Cola in 1983, where he was employed until he was injured.  John married his wife, Georgia, in August of 1984.  John has two sons, Michael and Patrick.  Prior to his accident, a typical day for John started at 4 in the morning, rushing home at around 3 or 4 in the afternoon, then out again taking the boys to baseball, soccer or whatever activities they where involved in. Most of the time, John was the one coaching their teams.  Even in high school, John was involved with the sports boosters club to help with events.

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Jared Avalos

What were you doing at the age of 13? Were you playing youth sports? Going out on the weekends with friends to do outdoors things? Certainly, many of the fortunate ones, who are reading this in fact, are people who had that luxury. For young Jared Avalos, of Whittier, California, these luxuries are something that he does not get to take full advantage of on the weekends—they are simply his goals and dreams.

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Andy Marrero

Andy was injured in an unfortunate skateboard accident 10 years ago, which left him with a traumatic brain injury. Andy continues to smile each and every day that he wakes up. He is a constant light in people's day and always is able to bring a good laugh to the room anywhere that he goes.

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John Morris

The Perfect Step has taken him to the next level. He has a lot more confidence in the things he can do. Be Perfect has given him the support that he needed to make progress. He wants to say to the donors “THANK YOU is people like you that make people like me be able to make improvements in our lives”.

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Brandon Rayburn

After so many "no’s" from insurance for assistance, it brings back hope that there are still good people in this world who truly want to help. The Perfect Step and their staff has helped me with confidence in my walking ability and just overall outlook on things. Flexibility, strength, balance and form.

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Chris Seibel

B.P. has provided weekly (exercise base therapy) which has helped me continue to regain what i lost after my accident.  Exercise is medicine, which gives me the wonderful life of independence.

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Kareem Taylor

Due to a lack of options and exhausted medicaid benefits I had a six plus year wheelchair that was causing me great discomfort. BE PERFECT granted me a custom wheelchair that is safe and durable.

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Earlasha Williams

Life threw me a curveball that literally knocked me flat on my back! It rocked me to the core of my very soul. Two short months after giving birth to my daughter, a massive tumor was discovered growing inside of my spinal cord. I underwent a nine hour surgery to have the tumor removed. The benign mass, an Ependymoma, was successfully detached in its entirety. However, it was entwined within my nerves. Therefore, my spine had to be severely manipulated in order to completely eradicate the growth. As a result of that procedure, I became an instant quadriplegic – paralyzed from the neck down – and fully dependent upon a respirator to help me breathe. 

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Iris Barajas

The Be Perfect Foundation has given me a scholarship to be part of The Perfect Step, where every day in every session I work on the recovery of my damage muscles due to my injury. Without the Be Perfect Foundation help I wouldn’t be able to afford this training program that I’m hoping it’ll help me to walk without the braces. I know is a long road but thanks to B.P.F. I know every day I’m closer to reaching my goal.

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